We Dressed Like That?

One square of commercial algae and fungus, just creeping over the concrete landscape.

[A short series of arcade exteriors – 1/3]

Tokyo’s neighbouring shops form a continuum. You can tell them apart but you can’t tell where one ends and the next starts.

In our sample quadrant we find a Sega, something called EST, bowling, karaoke, a cafe, a pool hall and ping pong.

It’s ripped in 90s stylings. They didn’t realise that would be the last go-around of the bubbleyear highs. If they knew the picture would be up for 20 years they might not have got that fade.

The long stretch dry of renovation is an oddity for Shibuya, the worldfamous Tokyo funtown chaos district. Cash flowing through here, nothing should run down that long.

Since this shot, I’ve seen the insides got a re-skin. Will go check streetside next time I’m by.

For now, dig the retro flair that used to be your youth.

Photographer and writer covering Tokyo arcade life – the videogames, the metropolis and the people