20200116 - Arcade Exterior..Tokyo Street - Japanese game centre in office-like building - Sega - 2017 - Sega Takenotsuka - Takenotsuka - Resized.jpeg

Tokyo fix-all multipurpose commercial realty. Quietly stylish. Slick enough to skirt vogue for a decade; unobtrusive enough to get old and hide.

Slot in any business you want.

Takenotsuka Sega looks like it was something else before. Full-height glass and concierge desk ground floor.

But if it’s jammed with arcade machines then it’s an arcade.

Saturday staff recruitment posters in the toilet. 18:00-24:00 shift. Job for dreamers? ¥1,000 per hour: a slap of commercial reality.

Photographer and writer covering Tokyo arcade life – the videogames, the metropolis and the people