Dirty Business

The Game P&Ps and Game Spot 21s of this world are slummish and gritty, reeking of urban overgrowth and smoked dry by cigarettes. But some places are smart and smooth.
This is the Club Sega’s section for the latest games. It has thick velvet queuing ropes and carpet you can see.
Pristine and wholesome. Soft lube lights leaking about and smearing the lens. Up the walls, slicking the ceiling strips, the cabinets dripping top to bottom in the slip-juice of corporate gloss. Every cab is directy piped to a boardroom of suits, wet with their unctions, counting profits to the sky, counting in billions of yen loobed up and slicksucked out of the wastrels in those sloppy swamp “arcades” they know nothing about.
Photographer and writer covering Tokyo arcade life – the videogames, the metropolis and the people