My Place, My Rules

The guy running P&P lives fussy, at his desk with his daily paper, ice tea just so. Everything’s covered in handwritten instructions: the Label-Crazy Blast City I’ve posted before, the tiny washiki toilet with its triangular basin/cistern, and this old Astro, who’s been told what to do its whole life.
The big laminated label at the top requests, in two-tone chisel-tip, that Street Fighter III 3rd Strike players refrain from sitting on the pachinko stools. (Not clear why they would or why they shouldn’t.)
And the cab’s running The King of Fighters ‘02 anyway, so I guess those guys can use whatever stool they want? Just those shady SF ragamuffins that need watching.
Regardless of stool, “PLEASE NOTE: the space behind you on this side of the cabinet (the 2P side) is tight, so please play with your seat in a forward position.” It’s like the pool club with the table too close to the wall: you go ‘cause it’s the local – never mind that it’s unfit for the one thing you’re going for.
It’s then extra super duper clear about the game format: “Vs CPU: Best of 3”. Under that: “Vs 2P: Best of 3”. To the right of them both: “Either option: Best of 3”.
Best of 3 it is then. Standard for Tokyo, anyway. Can’t see the need for 3 signs.
Mysteriously unlabelled is the card reader on the right of the panel, which Chun Wah Kong (@chunwahkong on IG) ID’d for me. Not sure how it works or what it’s for. Any ideas?
It’s the beige, square lump just in front of the ashtray, which is just in front of the sign saying “Please do not change the position of the ashtray.”
Photographer and writer covering Tokyo arcade life – the videogames, the metropolis and the people