See God and Collapse

90s gamers know the magic. Quartercentury later and the blueandwhite trigger word still plays that voice. MKUltra shit. By now, you’re hearing Green Hill Zone, as we all will in the pre-death seconds.
But in Tokyo this is everyday even for normies. The SEGA sign is a colossal sky castle looming over people in a karaoke box screeching over people on a trainline KO’d over people on a motorway droning over people on another motorway droning over people on a highstreet splurging over people in a basement bar festering over people on a subway platform slumping over people on another subway platform moping over people on another trainline playing Nintendo.
So normal no one even looks and we all gawp and fall to knees.
Photographer and writer covering Tokyo arcade life – the videogames, the metropolis and the people