Code of Joker was a Trading Card Game from Sega – purveyor of some longstanding and well-loved TCGs. But what's that sign on the top? It says "free to play". Are they giving out free starter decks?! Yes!
*Another* House of the Dead?! Yes, but in this one you shoot *zombies* with *guns*.
Arcade pilgrims to Japan expect Disneyland: a grand culmination of a ceremonial journey. But while the Magic Kingdom gates are marked by fronds of palm, the line between Arcade and notArcade is so fine it disappears.
Sega’s Typing of the Dead is a totally stupid idea executed wholeheartedly.
Sega’s maimai has dominated the music game corners of Tokyo arcades since 2012.
Turns out there’s a knack to evocative paraphernalia.
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